The Dark Web

Level 2 – Bergie Web

The dark web is referencing the part of the internet that is not easily visible to the common user. At one point in the past it was said that only 1% of the internet is visible, the rest exists on the dark web. The dark web was a place to remain anonymous and some people took advantage of that and partook in illegal activities such as “Silk Road” a marketplace to buy and sell drugs. Rumours of “Red Rooms” existing on the Dark Web circulated, with many saying that they are nothing more than urban legend, and that the bandwidth would not be possible on the dark web for something like this to exist. Me personally, I think you’re incredibly naive if you don’t think that some sickos are capable of putting something like that together. Look at what Cho Boo-Jin did in 2020 and try to convince me there isn’t worse stuff happening.