The 1969 moon landing was faked

Level 2 – Bergie Web

A pretty common conspriacy theory. Some of the reasons why people question if the US actually went to the moon in 1969, the televised version was some sort cartoon, the images don’t have stars and shadows don’t line up, while those can be explained, you can find traces of editing artifacts when researched in photoshop. Apparently NASA either lost or destroyed all the technology to get to the moon, this was the human races greatest achievement, you would think they would have coveted that data. The communication back to earth seemed suspect, President Nixon speaks to the astronauts on a landline phone with no delay. There is the situation with the Van Allen Belt, the deadly radiation belt that the astronauts had to pass through to get to the moon, which apparently was no big deal. Although there are modern recordings of NASA engineers saying they don’t know how they could get a human to safetly pass through it today. Lastly, there is a huge tie in with Stanley Kubrick stating that he directed the fake footage of the moon having just one year earlier made 2001 A Space Odyssey, some saying that he planted clues of his involvement in The Shining movie.