Trodibaldo Papers
Level 3 – Deep Web
An Ex-president of Brazil (Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva) got into talks with Iran about the possibility of supplying ‘cheap labor’ (in reality, prison inmate) to iran in exchange for yellow cake. It was essencialy slavery. A Public prosecutor discovered this and was almost imediately killed by iranian agents working in brazil. After 5 years, mysteriously, 3 of the most crowded prison in brazil got within UN standards (which means, overpopulation magicaly got solved). Also, Angra dos Reis (a nuclear power plant) started working full force. Trodibaldo was the name of the street the prosecutor got ‘killed’ in a ‘accident’. He spilled the contents of his briefcase, which got covered in his own blood.
Anti-Thermodynamic Universes
Level 2 – Bergie Web
Things may not be as we are told. Is the universe even possible using the Primary Data we are given?
Bill Gates Bought The Vatican
Level 2 – Bergie Web
Its considered a hoax but if you look a little deeper it seems like there could be some credibility.
Quantum Relapse
Level 1 – Surface Web
Perhaps a theory regarding Quantum Information and how entropy or black holes could distort reality.