Bill Gates Bought The Vatican
Level 2 – Bergie Web
Its considered a hoax but if you look a little deeper it seems like there could be some credibility.
Level 2 – Bergie Web
Its considered a hoax but if you look a little deeper it seems like there could be some credibility.
Level 2 – Bergie Web
The “ERAP2 Protein” refers to a real biological protein involved in immune system function, particularly in the processing of antigens. However, in conspiracy theory circles, ERAP2 has been linked to more sinister purposes, such as genetic manipulation, mind control, or population control. Some theorists suggest that ERAP2 could be used to create targeted biological weapons or to engineer specific traits in certain populations. The idea is that advancements in biotechnology have been secretly harnessed to manipulate human biology in ways that are kept hidden from the general public, possibly as part of a larger agenda to control humanity at the genetic level.
Level 1 – Surface Web
This is an interesting idea. It has been spectualted that volcanoes can be used for energy. Some believe that ancient people used volcanoes much like we used nuclear reactors. Field Consciousness is the theory that conciousness produces and electromagnetic field. Is it possible that a collective of people brain power enabled people to extract energy from volcanoes?
Level 2 – Bergie Web
Its considered a hoax but if you look a little deeper it seems like there could be some credibility.
Level 3 – Deep Web
An Ex-president of Brazil (Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva) got into talks with Iran about the possibility of supplying ‘cheap labor’ (in reality, prison inmate) to iran in exchange for yellow cake. It was essencialy slavery. A Public prosecutor discovered this and was almost imediately killed by iranian agents working in brazil. After 5 years, mysteriously, 3 of the most crowded prison in brazil got within UN standards (which means, overpopulation magicaly got solved). Also, Angra dos Reis (a nuclear power plant) started working full force. Trodibaldo was the name of the street the prosecutor got ‘killed’ in a ‘accident’. He spilled the contents of his briefcase, which got covered in his own blood.
Level 2 – Bergie Web
The Eye of Providence (or the all-seeing eye of God) is a symbol that depicts an eye, often enclosed in a triangle and surrounded by rays of light or Glory, meant to represent divine providence, whereby the eye of God watches over humanity.[1][2][3] A well known example of the Eye of Providence appears on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States, which is depicted on the United States one-dollar bill.
Level 1 – Surface Web
If the multiverse is real, and space is truely infinite than all possibilities do exist.
Level 2 – Bergie Web
“Ethereal Bodies” refer to non-physical, spiritual forms that are believed to exist alongside our physical bodies. These ethereal bodies are said to be composed of energy or light and can interact with other dimensions, spiritual realms, or even other ethereal entities. In some spiritual traditions, the ethereal body is thought to be the true essence of a person, capable of leaving the physical body during astral projection, dreams, or near-death experiences. Conspiracy theories involving ethereal bodies often suggest that secret organizations or advanced beings can manipulate or control these ethereal forms, influencing the thoughts, emotions, and actions of individuals.