Trodibaldo Papers
Level 3 – Deep Web
An Ex-president of Brazil (Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva) got into talks with Iran about the possibility of supplying ‘cheap labor’ (in reality, prison inmate) to iran in exchange for yellow cake. It was essencialy slavery. A Public prosecutor discovered this and was almost imediately killed by iranian agents working in brazil. After 5 years, mysteriously, 3 of the most crowded prison in brazil got within UN standards (which means, overpopulation magicaly got solved). Also, Angra dos Reis (a nuclear power plant) started working full force. Trodibaldo was the name of the street the prosecutor got ‘killed’ in a ‘accident’. He spilled the contents of his briefcase, which got covered in his own blood.
Exotic Animal Trade
Level 2 – Bergie Web
Exactly what it sounds like. Its pretty sad too, as most of the time the owners are unable to care for the animals and they end up mistreated.
All-Seeing-Eye Orchestrates Reality On Masses
Level 2 – Bergie Web
The “All-Seeing-Eye Orchestrates Reality On Masses” theory revolves around the idea that a powerful and omniscient entity, often represented by the symbol of the All-Seeing Eye, controls and manipulates reality as perceived by the masses. This entity could be a physical organization, such as a secret society, or a metaphysical force that has the ability to influence events, thoughts, and even the fabric of reality itself. The theory suggests that everything from media narratives to historical events is carefully curated to keep humanity in a state of ignorance or subservience. The All-Seeing Eye is a symbol of this control, watching and orchestrating the lives of billions without their knowledge.
When You Die A Piece Of The Creator Wakes Up
Level 1 – Surface Web
A thought experiment. I imagine the idea is that we are all one, when we trancend to the “other side” our conciousness or “spirit” becomes a part of the collective. This reminds me of the Akashik records. The Akashik records is a belief that all knowledge past, present and future are collected in a library, some believe that the library can be accessed via astral projection and some believe that the dimension we enter while astral projecting is the same dimension we enter at death. Perhaps the Akashik records are simply the collective spirit of every living being.
Bill Gates Bought The Vatican
Level 2 – Bergie Web
Its considered a hoax but if you look a little deeper it seems like there could be some credibility.
Weaponized Electromechanical Radiation
Level 2 – Bergie Web
A weapon that combine electricity and mechanical engineering to produce radiation. That sounds like most bombs.