Robert Golf Rumors, Glass Camera (Even More Caution Advised)

Level 4 – Charter Web

G O L F means gentlemen only ladies forbidden

it was used in forteana circles in the UK when resources were mostly shared by photocopies

back in the 90s when i went to research discussion or book swap groups it was common to see G.O.L.F. in biro at the top of a photocopy. especially when wiccans and other pop culture shit started attracting teenage girls and cat ladies to paranormal or occult topics. it just means – this is real dont share with newcomers

“glass camera” is one of the most famous GOLF rumours. it has to do with an unmade pilot episode for a spinoff from the UK tv series Sapphire and Steel called “let me be your camera” the glass camera was a perspex prop used in the filming making it an early prototype of “lost episode” pastas but the script was real and available. you can find it on some newsgroup archives i think