Red Enlightenment

Level 4 – Charter Web

Monasteries In Southeast Asia Devoted To Enlightenment Through Pain Tolerance. They Reason That If A Monk Can Maintain His Equanimity In The Most Excruciating Circumstances Possible He Has Effectively Overcome The World. Monks Enter Into Trance States Where They Experience Being Buried Alive, Submerged In An Ocean Of Worms, Drifting Through Interstellar Space, The Collapse Of Their Mental Faculties, Stabbed, Burned, Drowned In Excrement, Torn Limb From Limb, Humiliated In Front Of A Favorite Relative, Betrayed By Parents, Murdered By A Lover, And On And On.***There are monasteries in southeast Asia devoted to enlightenment through pain tolerance. Monks go through multiple trials, exercises and lessons, each of them is to make them feel physical or mental pain.