Reality Is A Jump Scare

Level 4 – Charter Web

Another Way Of Saying Reality Is The Ontological Justification Of Suffering. In Other Words, Suffering Needs Being To Come Into Itself, Because It Is, In A Way That Will Perhaps Remain Incomprehensible To You, More Primordial Than Being Itself. A Jump Scare’S Effectiveness Is Inversely Proportional To Expectation, Obviously When One Least Expects It Does It Frighten You The Most. There Is Nothing So Absurd As To Equate The Silence And Peace That Reigns All Over Nature With Something Like This, And That Is Precisely Why “Reality Is A Jump Scare”: Reality Is The Build-Up To An Experience Of Terror And Revulsion So Acute Everything Preceding It Will Have Been Revealed As Just The Groundwork Necessary To Bring It Into Being, An Experience So Frightening It Would Be Impossible To Think Of Nature And The Universe In Any Other Way.