Project Star Gate

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It started with the CIA in 1970s at SRI with Hal Puthoff and Russel Targ. They did research with various psychics including Hella Hammid, Ingo Swann, Pat Price and Uri Geller. The CIA later put Pat Price directly on their pay roll and he died months later to a mysterious heart attack. I think the CIA program ended mid 70s. In the late 70s it was picked up again by INSCOM and they began employing military members for an operational remote viewing team. This included various psychics including Joe McMoneagle, David Morehouse, Lynn Buchanan, Tom McNear, Mel Riley and Paul Smith. Ingo Swann was hired as a consultant to train these members and created the Controlled/Co-Ordinate Remote Viewing method. The Monroe Institute was also contracted to train certain members to aid in their cool down periods + a method called Extended Remote Viewing. After a few years the program was forced by the DOD to move to the DIA. The DIA continued research and operational materials (contracts for other various abc agencies) up until 1995. Then the program was forced to the CIA who promptly ended the program and declassified the material.

President Jimmy Carter and former CIA Director Stanfield Turner claim the program produced results. Despite the documentation, the CIA director at the time being Robert Gates went on live tv to claim it was never used to make any intelligence making decision.