Pornstars Leeching Your Energy

Level 1 – Surface Web

If you lurk around the depths of the internet long enough you’re certain to run in to several NEET type individuals. I would ascertain they are mostly men, 20’s-40’s who have fallen in to the monotamy of life. They eat, they sleep, they work, they watch porn the rest of the time. I imagine this fills a social void beyond just sexual. You will find these same people complaining about the degeneracy of porn, and they will continue to watch it. Much like a drug. This is where things like “No-Nut November” originated from. People fighting the addiction, they are either indulging or actively thinking about not indulging. Their energy is drained, they are unable to have regular conversations with people, they see no reason to pursue actually romantic relationships. In some cases, they must put a face to their demons, they might say its the government, the illuminati or a certain sect of religion.