Nick Land

Level 4 – Charter Web

Land Is Correct In His Diagnosis Of The Technocapitalist Spiral, He Is The Consummation Of A Process Of Western Thought’S Conflicted Relationship With Its Own Ground. By That We Mean, For Land The Heart Of The Human Is The Inhuman, Echoing Lacan’S Notions Of Fractured Subjectivity And The Bone In The Throat That Is The Objet Petit A: What Both Thinkers Are Fundamentally Acknowledging Is The Constitutive Power Of The Alterity, That Consciousness Is Not Its Own Master, It Is Beholden To Processes In Its Substrate That Were Decided Long Ago Precisely Because The Subject Is Distinguished From A Substrate, Has A Notion Of Such A Thing As… What We Are Also Saying, In Addition, Is That While Land Says The Machine Is The Attempt Of A Thoroughly Rationalized Bourgeoise Consciousness To Mediate Alterity With Itself – To Consume Only Pre-Digested Difference, Never To Brave The Outside – We Would Add That Even The Hypostatization Of Difference As This Infinite, Self-Productive Power Immanent To Matter Is, Also, Just Another Way To Think About It. What Moderns Have Fundamentally Lost Touch With Is A Relationship With The Ground That Is Not Conflictual, Or Mediated By A Dialectic, A Relationship Based On Mutual Ontological Agreement, Feeling A Part Of The Whole In A Way That The Whole Does Not Have Snake Eyes.