Mac Miller Revisionist History

Level 4 – Charter Web

Most people had an indifferent at best, or negative opinion of Mac Miller throughout most of his career, and thought he was corny. After he died, he suddenly became beloved by everyone, an effort by his estate, label and collaborators to capitalize on the (then) newfound focus and sympathy towards overdoses, songwriting about mental health, etc. Most people had an indifferent at best, or negative opinion of Mac Miller throughout most of his career, and thought he was corny. After he died, he suddenly became beloved by everyone, an effort by his estate, label and collaborators to capitalize on the (then) newfound focus and sympathy towards overdoses, songwriting about mental health, etc. Not actually true. When Mac released Watching Movies with the Sound Off he changed to a more conscious, openminded style critics started changing their opinion of Mac’s music. Even when he died, people said that they didn’t like Mac’s early style but grew into something different. Check the Pitchfork review of Faces (who notoriously gave Mac’s Blue Slide Park a 1 or 0). It opens with something like “Is it cool to like Mac Miller now?”