Light Pollution Is Archonic

Level 4 – Charter Web

Light Pollution Is Immanentizing, There Is A Direct Correlation Between A Cosmic Sense Of One’S Place In The Universe And The Sight Of Stars In The Night Sky. A Star Can Only Be Blinded By A Streetlight If The Streetlight Is Closer, The Demiurge Is Immanence Itself. In Other Words, The More You Identify With Matter, With Your Cities And Your Towns As The Real Seat And Soil Of Your Soul, The More “Internal” You Are To Its Processes, Caught Up In Them. A Karmic Mechanism Is Karmic And A Mechanism Precisely Because It Prevents You From Seeing Your Own Back In The Moment: If You Could Step Outside A Thought Or Desire, Its Charge Would Evaporate Like Nothing. Indeed, An Addict’S Experience Of Rock Bottom Is Nothing Else But His Experience Of The Outside Of His Addiction, Of The Toll It Has Taken On Himself And His Loved Ones, Everything He Has Repressed In Its Indulgence. Light Pollution Is This Same Principle On The Scale Of Cities And Nations: Humanity Perfecting The Art Of Denial.