I Love The 80’s / 90’s Goetia

Level 4 – Charter Web

Grimoire intended for the in/evocation of 80s/90s egregores, that is, the particular feelingtones of such periods in the anima mundi are summonable entities. All things radiate power. Examples include: the seeds of the current vaporwave craze, 80s hair, astral travel to the “universes” implied by commercials, films, music videos, the analogue of reallife events in the astral field, etc. As is usually the case with nostalgia grimoires, evocation of musical feelingtones are generally the most strenuous and yet potent of operations. the 90s nostalgia is currently the most popular and waxing most brightly in the public consciousness. the egregore takes the form of shots of VHS quality daylight scenes interspersed with the sounds of rain, punk rock, dance music, and random soundbites of Clinton speeches