Hollywood Planets

Level 4 – Charter Web

Planets uswd for the production of a single media property. For the sake of believability, instead of having actors act out roles, clones of these actors are bred and raised on planets that act as gigantic film sets (for the cameras in orbit). That way, instead of two different actors being forced to portray the same character at different stages in their life, the directors simply follow the life of their investment and film them at narratively important lifejunctures. Another example would be believable loss/grief. Most actors are simply unable to simulate their emotional reaction to actually losing a cherished mentor figure, parents, a dear friend, etc. and not for lack of trying: there are extremes of emotionality that simply cannot be pretended, one can only be plunged into them. On hollywood planets, this issue dissolves. A person can be specifically raised to die at a certain point, or the actor is forced to lose his parents for real.