Golf Rumours

Level 4 – Charter Web

Journalist leaked some illuminati shit that happened at the 2003 PGA tour I believe. The journalist and editor were killed and then they pushed the Tiger Woods sex scandal to take the attention away from it. Whenever I try to ask about it I get 404d. The Glass Camera Project was the clandestine effort by the CIA and the FBI in the 90s to create truly nondetectable surveillance tools, particularly a camera and microphone system. Now, according to classical theories of physics this should be impossible, as you need something to absorb the light to record it, and that absorption of light makes it visible. Its the same reason a full invisibility cloak would make anyone using it blind… at least in theory. Its believed however that using their research into remote viewing and physical projection the CIA was able to train humans to not only remotely perceive a subject, but also project this information to a camera with the person to create an objective recording of the event. But the camera doesnt just record something, its an integral part of the viewing technique and allows the viewer to channel their focus and view images to a much greater degree than through traditional remote viewing means. It is believed that the sheer psychic energy to accomplish this goal puts immense strain on the viewers body, which almost always results in death after chronic viewing experience. In addition remote viewing is known to cause increased mental degradation and disassociation disorders in the viewer. Because of this its highly suspected that Glass Camera operators were actually abducted by the CIA and forced to participate, or were lied to about the true nature and risks of their projects. One of the people suspected of having fallen victim to this fate is Robert Golf, a somewhat prominent psychic from the 1980s that disappeared overnight and is practically unheard of today. The Rumors are speculation on what may become of him, and one the main ones is that he was abducted by the American government for use in their various psy ops projects, including Glass Camera. ALSO 1. Glass camera/remote viewing CIA experiments. They have a guy called Robert golf killed because he knows too much. 2. Literally satanic illuminati esque rituals in golf courses involving child sacrifices etc. Another explanation: GOLF = Global Oscillations at low frequency it is an instrument on board the SOHO, Solar and Heliospheric Observatory If any anons here recall the incident at the Sunspot Observatory that was what it was related to one of the SOHO team members was involved in research at the Sunspot Observatory very likely they had some info that had to be disappeared, the cover story was a typical CP plant My most likely guess was that the research had found evidence of solar disturbances that may cause some major event in the near future The current lockdown may be the first step to boil the frog so to speak, soften the population also pic related (John Lang), this dude got killed so blatantly in the face of media coverage and it got fucking slided if that can happen to him, it can happen to fucking anyone and it most definitely has (clinton hitlist for instance)