Fox Is Here

Level 1 – Surface Web

Anagrams Of “Fox Is Here” Contain Both Name Of God And Devil. Reported To Be Rendition Of Divine Logos In English. Further Research Revealed To Refer To Troubling Accounts Of Near Death Experiences Conducted By Clandestine Government Agencies. Reports Of The Afterlife State Being A Face Hovering In A Void That Fills Entire Field Of View. Reality Is A Dream State To Get Away From This Face. Descriptions Of Face Were Redacted. Popular “New Age” Accounts Of Near Death Experiences Disseminated To Mainstream To Ward Off Suspicion. ***Old time traveler post on /x/, referring to selfdeveloping algorithmic intelligences he made, each of their names was a colour and animal combination. “Grey Fox” was the one he referenced as being presently undeveloped. This post was made around 20112012 if memory serves.***A very serious message inherent to reality. Apparently contains the names of God and the devil. Also hints at the true nature of existence- reality is a gigantic face that fills a void, and existence is a dream to avoid this face. ***I’ve seen /x/ claim government investigations have revealed that the true name of both God and Satan can be somehow extrapolated. From this, the Government apparently learned that beyond the veil of death is just a giant face. You are immobile, and constantly staring at this face, which fills up the entire view. Reality is just a hallucination the mind cooks up to get away from this face. Horrifying, but probably untrue.