
Level 4 – Charter Web

“The White American and the worldwide European ruling classes in general, refuse to accept and repent of their historical and contemporary theft of the lands, resources, and taking of the lives of their own and other peoples; their enslavement, serfdom and peonage of their own and African peoples; their colonization and rapacious exploitation of virtually all nonWhite peoples; their eradication of whole ethnocultural groups, their mass murder of millions of persons; their scandalization and assassination of the character of African peoples; their destruction of many of the Earth’s streams, rivers, lakes, seas and ocean (ecocide); the raping and wasting of its natural treasures; their loosening of incurable diseases on vulnerable populations; their development and use of weapons of mass destruction; their assassination of national leaders, overthrow of duly elected governments and other intrigues against legitimate organizations; their warmongering and dissemination of murderous arms among nations for profit and political advantage; their addicting of whole populations to selfdestructive habits, appetites and drugs; their falsification of the consciousness of the Earth’s peoples, and numerous other heinous crimes against Man and Nature.