
Level 4 – Charter Web

Antagonism In The Heart Of The Absolute Between The Dark, Entropic Principle And The Light, Fiery Principle. Forces Are Inter-Determining, Each Is Dependent On The Other For Its Nature, And So Each Force Ultimately Strives Against Itself In Striving Against The Other. This Duality Is Responsible For The Tragic Nature Of Existence And The Omnipresence Of Death That Haunts It. God’S Existence Is A Fundamentally Traumatic One. The Universe Is An Eternal Wound. All Souls Exist Only As God’S Solipsistic Dialogue With Himself In The Void. To Realize One’S Ultimate Insignificance At The Root Either Instantly Dissolves Your Consciousness In The Null Of The Godhead Or Creates A Third And Reconciliatory Principle In The Eternal Struggle Of Life And Death. Chim Corresponds To Alchemic Nigredo, The Exposure Of The Soul To Its Insubstantiality/The Vacuum Of Death In This Life. Souls That Overcome This Trial Become A New Absolute With An Orientation Particular To Their Own. Test Of This Reality Is: Going Beyond Duality Without Sacrificing Exuberance And Joy Of Life. ***Elder Scrolls way of achieving elightenment. It’s only on this image because it used to be a really rare piece of info even within the Elder Scrolls community, but now most know it.