Chaos Banking

Level 4 – Charter Web

Nick Land proposed (whether ironically or not is unknown) that the Planck moments of our lives, the everyday chance interactions which produce history in total are a source if currency for a future race of human (who has evolved to be a host body for a super sentient AI capital) which has exploited all its material resource and consumed all reality at the end of time. **An idea that appears in Nick Lands early work, similar to his later Voodoo Economy theories. Basically the quantum moments of human lives are being bet on by a future AI capital that has exhausted its planck potentials in an entropic universe and is now going back in time to devour the reserves of history. Basically the philosophy of chaos being a natural order of the universe, but not distributed evenly over time. Sometimes order exists in the universe for a set amount of time but eventually the total “banked” chaos collapses and sends the world to shit. One anon described it once like “think about how your life was before someone rearended you. Probably pretty normal, right? It might have been completely normal for years, but eventually something abnormal had to happen.”