Weaponized Electromechanical Radiation
Level 2 – Bergie Web
A weapon that combine electricity and mechanical engineering to produce radiation. That sounds like most bombs.
Level 2 – Bergie Web
A weapon that combine electricity and mechanical engineering to produce radiation. That sounds like most bombs.
Level 2 – Bergie Web
“Ethereal Bodies” refer to non-physical, spiritual forms that are believed to exist alongside our physical bodies. These ethereal bodies are said to be composed of energy or light and can interact with other dimensions, spiritual realms, or even other ethereal entities. In some spiritual traditions, the ethereal body is thought to be the true essence of a person, capable of leaving the physical body during astral projection, dreams, or near-death experiences. Conspiracy theories involving ethereal bodies often suggest that secret organizations or advanced beings can manipulate or control these ethereal forms, influencing the thoughts, emotions, and actions of individuals.
Level 2 – Bergie Web
Exactly what it sounds like. Its pretty sad too, as most of the time the owners are unable to care for the animals and they end up mistreated.
Level 2 – Bergie Web
I think anyone with an hourly wage job has felt this sensation before. The movie Castaway make this point, Tom Hanks is a manager at FedEx and his whole purpose is to deiver things on time, he becomes stranded on an island and no longer has any sense of time or time passed. Sundials originated in Egypt around 3000 B.C., possibly to help measure the hours their slaves works, how long their breaks were and what time they should begin work. The idea of time could very well have been invented to control people.
Level 2 – Bergie Web
The “Everest Deaths Cover-Ups 2017” theory alleges that the true number of deaths on Mount Everest during the 2017 climbing season was significantly higher than reported, and that these deaths were covered up by governments or mountaineering organizations. According to this theory, the reasons for the cover-up could range from preventing damage to the lucrative Everest tourism industry to hiding the involvement of clandestine activities or experiments on the mountain. Some proponents believe that bodies or evidence of foul play were secretly removed, and that survivors or witnesses were coerced into silence.
Level 2 – Bergie Web
It’s true the United States has been in a perpetual state of war for decades, either mettling in the affairs of others or protecting its assets. Although, there could be even more sinister reasons as to why these 6 particular nations are repeated attacked by the US.
Level 2 – Bergie Web
“Eternity Merging” is a concept that suggests time and reality as we perceive them are converging towards a singular point, where all moments, past, present, and future, will merge into one eternal state. According to this theory, time is an illusion, and as we approach this point of convergence, the distinctions between different times will blur, leading to a collapse of linear time. This could manifest as deja vu, time loops, or the sudden recollection of past lives. Some believe that this merging of eternity is being orchestrated by higher beings or is a natural process that will lead to a new era of existence, where time as we know it no longer exists.