6 Vital Human Organs Doctors Keep A Secret
Level 2 – Bergie Web
In a twist on medical conspiracy theories, this idea posits that there are actually six essential human organs that modern medicine keeps hidden from the public. These organs, which could be spiritual, energetic, or simply misunderstood, are said to be crucial for longevity, immunity, or even metaphysical abilities. Conspiracy theorists argue that by withholding knowledge of these organs, the medical establishment ensures dependency on pharmaceuticals and healthcare systems, rather than allowing individuals to heal themselves.
Racism Virus Experiment
Level 1 – Surface Web
Of the top of my head this sounds like it’s related to Covid-19 and the rasicm that Chinese or other asians may have experienced. But I think that the topic is suggesting that an experiment was done that infeced people with a virus that made them racist. The video below is a movie called “My dinner with Andre”, if you’ve never seen it, it’s worth a watch. The subject matter feels very similar to what I believe the topic is about.
Exotic Animal Trade
Level 2 – Bergie Web
Exactly what it sounds like. Its pretty sad too, as most of the time the owners are unable to care for the animals and they end up mistreated.
Exotic Animal Trade
Level 2 – Bergie Web
Exactly what it sounds like. Its pretty sad too, as most of the time the owners are unable to care for the animals and they end up mistreated.