6 Nations US Is Always Attacking
Level 2 – Bergie Web
It’s true the United States has been in a perpetual state of war for decades, either mettling in the affairs of others or protecting its assets. Although, there could be even more sinister reasons as to why these 6 particular nations are repeated attacked by the US.
5G (Kill Grid) 5D (Quantum Ascension)
Level 2 – Bergie Web
This conspiracy blends two popular but conflicting theories. The first claims that 5G, the latest generation of cellular technology, is a “kill grid” designed to harm or control the population through electromagnetic radiation. On the other hand, “5D Quantum Ascension” proposes that humanity is on the verge of transcending to a fifth-dimensional state of consciousness, facilitated by quantum shifts. Some theorists believe that the 5G network is intentionally designed to suppress this spiritual awakening by keeping people locked in a lower vibration, preventing them from ascending to the fifth dimension.
Bermuda Triangle (NASA’s Space Shuttle Landings)
Level 2 – Bergie Web
This opic came from Planterra, their explanations are rare. Although one could speculate that if NASA wanted to hide something the Bermuda Triangle would be a very convenient location.
When You Die A Piece Of The Creator Wakes Up
Level 1 – Surface Web
A thought experiment. I imagine the idea is that we are all one, when we trancend to the “other side” our conciousness or “spirit” becomes a part of the collective. This reminds me of the Akashik records. The Akashik records is a belief that all knowledge past, present and future are collected in a library, some believe that the library can be accessed via astral projection and some believe that the dimension we enter while astral projecting is the same dimension we enter at death. Perhaps the Akashik records are simply the collective spirit of every living being.