Extraterrestrial Despair

Level 1 – Surface Web

It’s possible that the universe is teaming with life; as we all have wondered since the beginning of time. It’s possible that these other lifeforms have no more abilities in travelling through space than we do. Earth is currently in a perfect balance that provides for the life on it. It has a relatively calm climate, plenty of resources, it’s safely orbits a hot star with out scortching itself, and the risk of colliding with meteors, other planets or a blackhole seems to be minimal. What are the chances that the majority of life in the universe is this lucky? It would seem likely that most other planets that support life would be in some type of nightmare situation, being constantly hunted, living on a planet that orbits too far from it’s star every few years and an iceage takes place. Poisonious gases could fill the atmosphere every night, deadly earthquakes, storms and countless other disasters. There is a very high chance that most of the life in the universe is living in horror.

