The Magazine Rooms

Level 4 – Charter Web

Humans take great pleasure in good conversation, and we don’t blame them. but there is a danger to it: the worst philosophy is the pathological conversation. Talking so much that, instead of experience and the un-thematizable, you construct systems and schemas with your Talking to anticipate what is outside that Talking. basically, using language to replace/supersede reality: there is a special punishment in the gehennas reserved for these people who wanted to geld reality from the comfort of their armchairs: the magazine rooms. think about it this way: all conversations are about something, something in existence, a background that gives the turns of phrase panache and the poetry its piquance, a vital ground that makes the shit you’re talking about meaningful, real, alive. what about conversations that are totally self-enclosed, hermetic, circular? a continuum of existence where is no existence, but just the talking-about of existence. some contact with an Outside is always preserved: hence the actual magazine rooms, an infinite doctor’s waiting room with no exit, where the only thing to talk about are the magazines on the table… imagine if the entire source-point of a culture were magazines, television shows, music. if the simulacra of reality became themselves reality, behind which there was nothing sayable or thinkable. reality at a lower resolution. you can’t imagine how alien and strange Talking becomes then. but like any good hell, there are layers… the next layer below the magazine rooms are the white rooms. there is nothing to say, there is nothing to do, but just as space here is space without anyone’s permission, in the white rooms there is something equally ubiquitous: an eternal and infinite conversation… about nothing.