Deros And Teros

Level 2 – Bergie Web

Beneath our Earth’s surface is the ‘Inner World’ with seemingly endless natural caverns and artificial tunnels spreading out and down into the earth. These passages
have their own peculiar underground ecology of water-dwellers and lichens, mosses and fungi. In its upper levels, this dark realm is inhabited by humanoids of every
sort. Farther down are stranger races, most hostile to surface-dwellers. The Tero and Dero are only two of these entities living in Inner Earth.

The Tero are more friendly and help keep the Dero in line , who are of reptilian nature, demented from having excessive power. The stunted dwarf-like Derro are
among the worst of the Inner Earth races. They crave magic, power and slaves. They are hated and distrusted even by other evil races, who avoid them. Every twenty
years, the Derro explode outward through the underworld, attacking anything they encounter and destroying or enslaving weaker races.