Paleolithic Deep State

Level 3 – Deep Web

The idea that a ruling elite has held power since time immemorial, since the dawn of human history. This is a key part of the ‘Ultraterrestrials’ theory and other branches of reptilian/alien conspiracy theories.***Jews are Neaderthals. Humanitys development was hijacked by a group of clandestine spiritual leaders during the upper paleolithic, who set in motion religious ideas and practices that gave rise to the neolithic revolution and guided our social evolution ever since. According to some this group of people is none other than the Neanderthals, who were thought to have disappeared around this time. There is a hint of this in Evangelion as well, look at (((Seeles))) noses. There’s a lot of evidence suggesting there were advanced civilizations back then- read Philip Coppens’ “The Lost Civilization Enigma” to learn more. Add onto this Graham Hancock’s theory (explored in Fingerprints/Magicians of the Gods) about there having been a cult of survivors from one of these lost civilizations, possibly continuing into present times.