Anti-kalki scenario

Level 1 – Surface Web

Report: a standard kalki scenario is what you are familiar with. An ontological dark age “boiling over” into the manifestation of a purgative force: Kali the Death-Mother. To call Kali evil would be like calling the cure for cancer evil, just because the cancer feels pain. Anti-kalki scenarios are just the opposite. The culmination of a Golden Age. They have extremely complex typologies: they happen at all levels of society, at all intensities, all at once or gradually, etc. We will give some examples: everyone on the planet having a fabulous day at work, before going home and inexplicably watching the same ultraviolet rapture program. Lions and wolves raising the young of their prey. Trees tenderly hugging children. The sun rising earlier and earlier every day until the planet is bathed in a polar day from pole to pole. People receiving calls from their deceased loved ones, who forgive them for the pain they caused. Clocks spontaneously self-destructing. A once-sterile, rocky Moon suddenly carpeted in plant life. Everyone having the same dream about Christ. Suicides returned to the arms of their parents. People waking up in the past to relive the happiest day of their lives with the benefit of hindsight. Entropy vanquished. Love pours down.