Tax Exemt Foundations
Level 1 – Surface Web
was already viewed as one of the most important on the Internet. If you haven’t seen it before, you really must add it to your list. Dodd was the chief investigator of the Reece Committee, his job was to look into the taxexempt founds e.g. Rockefeller Foundation, and to find out what they were actually up to. In the interview he explains that the foundations are really there to make changes in the world, and that the only way they know how to make changes is through war, so their job is really to start wars. Since war was the only effective method they knew for making major changes, they would continue to use it until they had other equivalently effective methods. 10 years ago the Rockefeller Foundation released a scenario document, Page 18, where they looked into different scenarios which could influence the way in which our world evolves, one of the scenarios analyzed was a pandemic. So what we’re seeing here, is that over the decades the Rockefeller Foundation has moved on, they no longer rely on war as a tool to make changes, now they have new tools at their disposal, like pandemics, making them the chief suspects as to who has placed the world into the current pandemic scenario.