9/11 Happens Every Year

Level 4 – Charter Web

A spiritual occult mass murder ritual is planned for every year. Not always on the scale of 9/11. 9/11 was what jolted ya into a different reality …. and another Unicode then happened in 2008 … I haven’t found out what That’s pretty reasonable actually. It would make sense to do it on the date because the collective trauma would be at an annual peak Could it possibly be a large scale sacrifice that occurs on 9/11 due to numerology? The twin towers just being the most viewed/seen sacrifice while others are more obscured by the news cycle I think its a joke theory made to mess with people, when obviously the date 9/11 happens every year. Or… Maybe it’s linked to the other entry, ‘9/11 is a recursive singularity holding the universe together.’ Maybe in some occult fashion the event is repeated like a ritual renewal if the universe…. Probably not though What in the name of fuck is the 9/11 Happens Every Year theory? I see it almost every time on a Iceburg picture ***Google “anchorpoint, psychic”. Ritual mass sacrifices of which the collapse of the Twin Towers was most visible and famous in recent memory https://books.google.co.nz/books?id=s2L LkuKoScC&pg=PA979&lpg=PA979&dq=%229/11+happens+every+year%22&source=bl&ots=jogJuICnCs&sig=ACfU3U3bp_WkIQVIRdLCO3ampXux9Jxyjw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjW_96OlpXoAhV2H7cAHUhCCLYQ6AEwBHoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=%229%2F11%20happens%20every%20year%22&f=false
