December 2024
Pneumatic Balloons
Level 3 – Deep Web
Balloons filled with the reified spiritual substance of an individual. seem to display a rudimentary intelligence, for example a father’s balloon will instinctively follow its “child”. this has been observed with those pneumatic balloons formed with pets, especially dogs.
Astronaut Night Terrors
Level 1 – Surface Web
The claim behind these supposed night terrors is that astronauts that are in low Earth orbit have “unanimously” reported that they’ve suffered from extremely lucid night terrors; the dreams consisting of them perpetually falling onto what they describe as a mouth similar to that of a lamprey***Nightmares Described By Astronauts In Low Earth Orbit. Unanimously Report The Sensation Of Perpetually Falling Into Lamprey-Like Mouth, Apparently Symbolizing The Earth. The Earth Is Possessive Of Its Children And Wants To Be Only Planet To Recycle Their Energy. All Planets Crave Life For The Sensation Of Free Thermodynamic Exchange On Their Surface.
US Funds Isis
Level 1 – Surface Web
US funds ISIS for sure. ISIS is a puppet group backed by US, Saudi Arabia, and Israel. Their job is to be controlled opposition in the area. Each member has its own interests. The US wants to sell arms since public support for Middle East wars is low now. Israel is using the Sauds and Iranians to divide and conquer the region for the Greater Israel project. Saudi Arabia has always wanted to be the premier Muslim state and shore up support for a Saudi caliph.
At the heart of all conspiracies lies the notion of Cover-Ups, where governments, corporations, or secret organizations hide the truth from the public. This broad term applies to almost every conspiracy theory, from alien encounters and cryptid sightings to manipulated historical events and scientific suppression. The theory suggests that powerful entities have maintained control by obscuring reality and feeding humanity fabricated narratives.
Level 2 – Bergie Web
esoteric texts