
Level 1 – Surface Web

A video game based on Kayne West. Heres the conspiracy part: In 2015, a pastebin article revealed that if the player typed in the word “Ascend” into an in-game console the player would be taken to a secret section of the game.[7][8][9] In this secret section, the game would claim that the rest of the games contents was a front for this area which it claimed is the real game. At one point during this secret stage, the player would enter a room with a QR code which had to be screen captured together. This QR code would take the player to a dead site, which allegedly was an IP logger, and it would subsequently pull the IP of the player and allegedly send it to a cult.[10] After inputting the needed commands at various terminals, the player would then be asked to give the game their private info and was instructed to wait to be contacted.[8] This was believed by some to be connected to a group called Ascensionism that entered urban legend around the same time as the game being released.[5] Ascensionism is allegedly a cult that believes in reincarnation and was hoping to recruit more members with the game Kanye Quest. They also are rumored to have connections with record labels such as “Ascensionism Records”.[9][5]

Another game would be connected to this group called Calypso in which the player completes tasks around a house while voicemails intended for the group played in the background. It is generally assumed these voicemails were taken directly off the hotline which was referenced in the original game. However, there was little else in terms of information about the Ascensionists in Calypso.[5]

It is generally presumed that this is all part of an abandoned alternate reality game, or ARG.
