Meth Immortality

Level 4 – Charter Web

My take on this theory is split into two parts based on personal experience with friends who are meth users: 1. Meth has several obvious short and long term negative effects on your physical and mental welbeing. It can come to completely dominate your life to the point that you stop eating drinking etc. all but the bare minimum you need to get your next hit. I do not recommend using meth in a serious lifestyle way. But… 2. There is a longstanding psychological and cultural tenet that the practices of asceticism can allow one to achieve religious transcendence and an escape from time itself. There was a bizarre case some years ago. Buddhists were caught using heaps of meth in ceremonies. They said it was the only way to get a view on the wheel of time from the outside. In other words yes meth takes you to a place beyond time and if you use it enough you can exit this world into that timeless beyond, sure, but at great cost to your existence here on earth. Make of that what you will! Literally the idea that meth makes you immortal. SOMA