.TGA Greyspacing

Level 1 – Surface Web

Look up paranormal debug** Transient Global Amnesia** No free will*** Greyspacing as I see it is probably a way of hiding something, TGA however is much harder to narrow down. It can mean many things. A tech file, a scientific term, and a mental condition. The one I’ve found the most logical was the mental condition https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transient_global_amnesia TGA greyspacing is more than likely a conspiracy trying to explain why TGA happens and why it “greyspaces” certain memories from your mind. But I’m not confirming anything until we find out what it actually is, but so far I can’t find anything on “Paranormal Debug.” (8ch net/x/res/29633.html) To me it kind of sounds like the idea of trying to assign a pattern to random thoughts and possibly going crazy. Or, more sinisterly, finding a true pattern to human thought and going insane. A casual search before didn’t come up with anything for greyspacing or greyspaces, TGA of course came up with the same wiki link.

