Kevin Smith Memory Hole

Level 4 – Charter Web

kevin smith memory hole you remember kevin smith’s problem with benzos getting outed around 20152016? he went live on twitter sometime in nov 2017 late as FUCK PDT time, he was only on for a few minutes but was zonked out of his fucking mind and went off about how his FOIA requests never even made it to jefferson county and he was getting the cold shoulder from people who he thought were his friends. he has not since nor before ever publicly addressed this, ergo “kevin smith memory hole” why kevin fucking smith FOIA’d jefferson county in the late 2010s is beyond me. his motives are incomprehensible to me. for all we know, he could have been/is currently working on a columbine documentary. my biggest regret was not recording his freakout if anyone has a link to this or remembers in more detail, let it go