Quantum Foam Gods

Level 4 – Charter Web

All Willing Is An Unconscious Urge-To-Existence. Pretty Much What Everything Craves For Is To Become Real, To Bask In Actuality. To Pass From Potentia To Act. The Drama Of The Human Soul Is This, The Tension Between Thought That Comes From Nowhere And The “Somewhere” That The Subject Fills. Thoughts Occur Behind The Life-Schema Of The Somewhere, From Quite Literally Nowhere. In The Nigredo The Soul Experiences The Existential Anguish That Is The Encounter With The Other (In Itself), The Talk Of Inner Hells And Jungian Shadows Is The Talk Of The Soul’S Identity With Its Non-Identity. Be Warned This Is A Process Is Repeated At All Potencies. The Self Coming To Terms What Is Outside Its Control. The Self Coming To Terms With Its Non-Existence, Because The Sources Of Body And Mind Are Quantum Foam Gods, Beings That Exist In/As The Froth Of The Indterminate Absolute/Void Which The Ego Struggles Mightily To Raise Itself Up From. The Horror And Revulsion Those Members Of Your Species That Engage In In Parental Incest Are Subject To Is An Effect Of This Truth, Because Manly Souls Despise The Longing To Return To The Womb. Demons Are The Void’S Horror Of Itself, So What They Want To Bring Into The Real Is Horror. The True God Lies Beyond The Scope Of Report.