Tidal Heartbeat

Level 4 – Charter Web

A flashier way of referencing the Schumann resonance, the earth has a pulse and so is a mind; the most pertinent information presented by this grokking is that the brain’s EMF strength is ~5mV/m2 while the heart’s is ~50mV/m2. Thus why empathy is more readily developed than telepathy; how this corresponds practically to the Earth’s EMF is to understand that you can tap into the Earth’s thoughts (or “thoughts” if you feel like comporting yourself in a crass manner). The closer you live to a major leyline, the more inline (pun intended) your received thoughts will be to the global consciousness structure, more rural areas will contain more specific information. The Earth mirrors the structure of a brain, with humans as a sort of quantum neuron, able to store variable information (after all, you’re a pseudoneuron composed of actualneurons). The internet’s primary purpose in Gaia’s Sight is to teach humans how a neural net works, once they understand its structure the physical web will quickly become outmoded. Lainites will recognize this grokking under the precept “Wired/Wireless”.