
Level 3 – Deep Web

12/32/2020 should be added to the iceberg. People say it’s a “”bug”” but I was there when my clock turned and saw it freeze before turning on the last second, then continuing as usual, but a bit late. This small delay is time effectively rewinding, but this website (along with many others that covered this up) couldn’t possibly repeat the same content while it already existed, so it instead incremented the day by one as no safety checks were in place and allowed the extra content to exist. If there were, the time would simply crash or display something along the lines of 1/1/1970.
but why did the year not change, adding one day would effectively be 1/1/2021 as computers just follow rules
Indeed they do, but we aren’t talking about normal circumstances here. The extra day never came, all the 0s and 1s were overlayered by newer ones, there was no “extra day” in the eyes of the computer. The calculation was weirdly added (1 + 1 = 10 or 2, so 31 – 32) and the built in calendar or typical seconds calculation wasn’t followed, or else it really would have been 1/1/2021.***Would I be taking a radical position to suggest that it’s simply 4chan’s moderation playing a prank on us, because they thought it’d be funny? I’m sure they have the ability to change what date is displayed, regardless of what the website thinks it.