Time Is Going Faster

Level 4 – Charter Web

This is actually very interesting and it’s connected to Aztec mythology. The story goes that there have existed four suns before the current one. The first one, the Sun of earth, was a world of giants ruled by Black Tezcatlipoca. With his staff, Quetzalcoatl stroke Tezcatlipoca into the sea. Then, Tezcatlipoca managed to rise up from the ocean in the shape of a huge jaguar and all the giants were eaten up by an army of fierce jaguars. The second Sun was the Sun of wind. This world was presided over by Quetzalcoatl and was destroyed by Tezcatlipoca wo brought great winds which swept away Quetzalcoatl and his people. The third Sun was the Sun of rain, ruled by Tlaloc, and destroyed by a fiery rain sent down by Quetzalcoatl. The fourth Sun, the Sun of water, the Sun of Chalchiuhticue of the serpent skirt, was drowned under floods, leaving only stillness and darkness (supposedly this is the same Flood the Bible tells us about). We currently live in the fifth Sun, known as Nahui Ollin, the Sun of motion. In this Sun, things will become faster and faster. This world will end, in its turn, devoured by divine monsters. As our world approaches its fixed end, it will be like a whirlpool, and the closer we get to the Apocalypse, the more things happen in less time. The elites may know about this, and I think this conspiracy is closely tied with more popular ones, such as The Ocean at Night, or Golf Rumors. Pic related is an ancient depiction portraying the mythical birth of the fifth Sun. It is very possible that’s what the powerful forces ruling our universe are currently trying to do.

