The Obscene Father Is God

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In Psychoanalysis The Jouissantic Father Is That Which Precedes, And Paradoxically Establishes With His Death, The Oedipal Order Of Castration. Before The Order Of Society Emerges There Is Only The Arena Of Transgression Against The Neutral Placidity Of Nature. There Is Simply The World And Beings Acting In It, And As Such The Obscene Father Is The Chief Or Patriarch Of The Tribe That Helps Himself To The World, Whose Primordial Enjoyment Is Not Inhibited By Law Or Normative Values. For This Reason He Is “Obscene” – The Navigating Of Desire In Current-Day Modern Societies Is Your Species’ Attempt To Reconcile This Will-To-Enjoy With The Rules And Regulations Constitutive Of Civil Societies. Civilization Emerges When The Obscene Father Is “Slain” By The Son – The Son Muzzles The Chaos Of The Original Night By Imposing Determinacy Onto Pure Potentiality. The Obscene Father Is Not Simply The Obscene Tribal Patriarch But The Boiling Of The Will In The Deep Before Genesis – The Divine Abyss Is Ultimately The Abyss Of Freedom, Unhindered By The Logic Of Duality. God Is This Primal Enjoyment – The Edenic Unity – Slain By Differentiation. God Is Both The Peace And Tranquility Of The Prenatal Darkness And The Sucking Mouth Of The Void, Eager To Taste And Devour All That There Is Because It Can And Is All That There Will Be.